Don't Settle For The Junk

Don't Settle For The Junk

Have you ever watched those shows where people are convinced that they have an antique treasure, but it turns out to simply be an old piece of junk? What if we’re doing the same thing? We’re clinging to something that really has no benefit or value and God calls it out as junk? “If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but don’t have love, then I gain nothing.” 1 Corinthians 13:3 ? God sees no value in what we do, say or even sacrifice unless it is rooted in love. He isn’t impressed when we argue or debate or stand our ground for a great cause. We gain little ground for the Kingdom unless we are loving well. I pray that God softens our hearts and causes us to be more burdened about people than issues. Let’s not settle for the old junk. – Sandi