Defiant Worship

Defiant Worship

Unwavering worship. That’s what I see in this verse, and it is what I pray God is developing in our lives.

“ …stripped and beaten, severely flogged and thrown into prison…about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening…and everybody’s chains came loose.” Acts 16: 22-26

Their worship was unwavering, even though they had been wrongfully beaten and imprisoned. They were able to worship because their praise wasn’t based on circumstance. It was their response to an unchanging, always-worthy God. Their consistent, defiant worship reached the ears of every prisoner and of God Himself. Everyone found freedom. 

Are you ready to worship today? In and through the unfair and the unforeseen? It isn’t a formula for getting an outcome. Defiant, unwavering worship is good for your soul. And those around you. And it may bring about a freedom from the inside that you never saw coming. – Sandi