A Heart That Veers Toward God

A Heart That Veers Toward God

They all veer. Every grocery cart I choose has a strong pull in one direction. I can relate. Can you?

“Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you.” James 4:7-8

We all have a natural leaning or pull to satisfy ourselves. To gravitate to self-destructive behaviors and patterns. The enemy knows our weaknesses and encourages us to veer in that direction. It is popular. It is comfortable. But it isn’t God’s best.

God is graciously inviting us to a better way. To turn away from the enemy and lean into God’s plan. When we do, the enemy flees, and God moves in even closer.

God understands our “grocery cart” veering. We have wobbly wheels and get distracted by everything pulling at our hearts. But God still says, “Come to me.” And the beautiful thing is that He is always coming toward us as well. His heart “veers” toward us with a fierce passion. He pursues us with faithfulness and mercy. 

God is inviting you to veer…away from the enemy and toward His heart today. God is already near. – Sandi