Tip Jar Concerts

Tip Jar Concerts

Support Your Favorite Artists

This week is a very special week on JOY FM! With many concerts canceled for the foreseeable future, you may be missing the concerts – and the artists are really missing being on the road! No concerts means no chance to engage with fans – and sadly, no way to earn income to pay their bands, road crews, and bus drivers.

Through Friday, let’s bless the artists who’ve blessed so many through tough times! You have a chance to hear from the artists below on a recorded Zoom call, then you have the chance to bless these artists by tossing some money in our virtual tip jar! All of the money raised will be split between the artist’s bands and crew.

A special thank you to Kevin Dooley, Wealth Management Advisor at Northwestern Mutual, who will be matching donations as we start our Tip Jar Concerts! Get to know more about how Kevin serves here.

Thank you to these friends who continue to make the match possible for today’s Tip Jar Day!
Scott Niekamp with Northwestern Mutual
Tony Kalinowski with RBF Wealth Advisors

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