JOY FM Is Here Because of You. Thank You.

JOY FM Is Here Because of You. Thank You.

You did it! You crossed over 100%!!

We hope that your response to Listener Support Month is the same as ours. We marvel at what God does. When we get a glimpse into your stories and how God has moved in your life through the ministry of JOY FM and BOOST Radio, that fuels us!

This is all about Him and all for Him.

A friend wrote in:

10 years ago I was in the throws of addiction. I turned on Joy FM and you were having your Listener Support month. The music and stories gave me courage and hope to get clean and sober. I signed up to be a supporter because I wanted to be on mission for others in the same spot as I was. Every year listener support month happens during my sobriety anniversary date. On April 30th I will celebrate 10 years of sobriety and 10 years of being on mission with Joy FM! I listen daily and am grateful to be part of this program! Thank you!

The music and stories gave me courage and hope to get clean and sober. […] I will celebrate 10 years of sobriety and 10 years of being on mission with Joy FM!

JOY FM Listener

That’s the good stuff. Your donation to JOY FM is making a difference. Some of which we will hear, but most we will not on this side of Heaven.

But you make that difference possible. And JOY FM is funded for another year because of you!

Thank you!

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Heather Trager
Heather Trager
1 year ago

I am so grateful for Joy FM! I am ecstatic the goal was met!

Sandy Glenn
Sandy Glenn
1 year ago

This Thank you came at the perfect time. I was feeling a bit worn and worthless. Your thank you video made cry happy tears for being able to be on mission with you! I don’t have much, but I wanted to be able to help. You have always been there for me. And I want to help to be sure you are there for others!! God Bless You All!