Fan Into Flame

Fan Into Flame

 There were times in my life that the “fire” inside of me was not burning all that vibrantly. Maybe you can relate. On again. Off again. On fire for God. Barely a spark for Him.

“Fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you…For God did not give you the spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.”  2 Timothy 1:6-7

How is your fire doing today? What is diminishing the work of God in your life from being all-consuming? What are some ways to fan it into flame? In my life, there are people who fan the fire in my life.  God’s Word is alive and feeds my soul. And He lovingly reveals when there’s something in play that is attempting to snuff out His giftings. I pray that the gift of God inside of you gets fanned into an all-consuming flame of His power and love.  – Sandi