You're Not Strong Enough. And That's Ok.

You're Not Strong Enough. And That's Ok.

 You may not be strong enough.  And that’s OK. One of my favorite stories in scripture is when Moses was leading His people in battle.  As long as Moses held his arms up in the air, his people were victorious.  When he got tired and his arms lowered, his people suffered defeat.  He simply wasn’t able to win on his own.  And we can’t either.

“Aaron and Hur held his hands up…so that his hands remained steady…” Exodus 17:12

If you are trying to do life on your own…why?  We don’t earn extra points with God when we battle, wrestle or struggle alone.  He designed us to need Him and others. If you’re weary today, perhaps God is inviting you to lean on some Godly friends.  They can lift you up and support you.  You’ll do the same for them.  And together, we’ll learn that none of us are strong enough.  And that’s OK. Realizing our need for Him is a gift.  So are Godly friends.  – Sandi