The Wave Walker Is Near

The Wave Walker Is Near

  Have you ever gone back to visit your elementary school?  What seemed huge to you then seems a lot smaller now….the desks, the building, the playground.  They’re the same size, but your perspective has changed.

“They saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water; and they were terrified. But He said to them, ‘It is I; don’t be afraid.’” 
John 6:19-20

I hope this verse changes your perspective today.  You may be facing very real, big, scary things.  But here is another very real truth:  The One who walks with you today, walks on water.  He defies the laws of gravity.  He created the world and still sits in authority over it.  So, don’t be afraid.  Look at your situation through the lens of the wave walker.  It will change your perspective! – Sandi