You Can Be Battle Ready Today

You Can Be Battle Ready Today

 It is unnerving to consider that there is an enemy of our soul. But there is. And God has a reminder for you today as you prepare for battle:

“Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
Resist him. Stand firm in the faith…”1 Peter 5:8-9

The enemy is real. His aim is to discourage, distract, and try to defeat the power of God in your life.  That’s why it feels like life is a battle. It is!

But God doesn’t leave you alone or unarmed in the fight. 

He stands with you. His Spirit empowers you. The enemy intimidates. But your father empowers. So, cling to His Word. Stay close to His heart. And stand firm in your faith. 

He is faithful to fight for you and helps you in the battle you’re facing. – Sandi