You Can Trust God With Your Pain

You Can Trust God With Your Pain

God’s not afraid of your junk. And He loves honesty. So, when you’re hurting and perhaps even angry at God, the best thing you can do is be honest with God about it.

“In bitterness of soul, Hannah wept much and prayed to the Lord………and the Lord remembered her. ”
1 Samuel 1:10 and 1: 19

Hannah desperately wanted a child. But she was barren. And because of that, she was ridiculed and shamed. I don’t know fully what “bitterness of soul” means, but I think I get there sometimes. She was hurting. But she was also honest before the Lord.

If you’re there today…your soul is bitter… go ahead and cry. Cry it out. And cry it up to the Lord. He is pleased when you release your bitterness, your sorrow, your fear…..your everything to Him. He will remember your tears. And He is faithful. – Sandi