Wrestling With “Why?”

Wrestling With “Why?”

 We so often get tripped up by this three-letter word. Why? When we can’t figure it out, we get stuck in life and in our relationship with God. ‘Why did this happen?’ ‘Why aren’t you fixing this yet?’ 

“This happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.” John 9:3

We can’t see the whole picture this side of heaven. We feel the pain. We see in part. But God’s plan considers it all and is rooted in bringing this broken world to His heart. We won’t know the answers to all of our “whys” until we meet the “Who” behind it all. Until then, when we can’t see, we can trust. He is working through it all. His heart is kind. He is close and He can use everything you are facing today for His glory. – Sandi