We Have Nothing That God Needs.  And Everything That God Wants.

We Have Nothing That God Needs.  And Everything That God Wants.

 Do you ever feel like you need to convince God to like you?  Or impress Him so He’ll bless you?  My mind knows that isn’t true.  But if I’m honest, I do tend to try and work my way into God’s favor. 

“Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
1 Samuel 16:7

I love this reminder. God was choosing the next King.  Everyone thought He would select someone tall or strong or accomplished.  But God chose a faithful young man who worshipped Him while tending to the sheep.  Why?  Because God saw the heart.  And He sees yours as well.  We have nothing that God needs.  And everything that God wants.  Our hearts fully open to Him.  So, if you’re a striver, like me.  Pressure off.  God already loves you and your surrendered heart.  – Sandi