What Should You Do?

What Should You Do?

This verse hurts.  You know why?  Because it hits close to home.  I tend to think of “sin” as a really short, really bad list of things that I would never do.  Isn’t that convenient?  But we can actually sin by doing NOTHING.  

“Anyone who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.”  James 4:17

Ouch.  Man, how many times have I broke God’s heart by NOT DOING what He called me to do?  If sin is sin, I want to get better at being and doing what God desires.  If He says, “no”….then I won’t.  If He says, “do”…..then I will.  

God, I’m sorry that I am often more focused on GETTING GOOD FROM you than DOING GOOD FOR you.  Show us your way!  – Sandi