Joyful. Patient. Faithful.

Joyful. Patient. Faithful.

Why is it so difficult to live for Christ? Because we can’t do it on our own. Without his Spirit living in and through us, there is no way that we can be who He desires for us to be: “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12 There is no way we can be joyful, patient or faithful without a Holy God working in us. But when He does ….and we are….then the world takes notice. God, we need you today. Help us be joyful in the hope that you are in control. Help us be patient when answers don’t come quickly or when they differ from our plans. And God, we want to be faithful….listening to you and aligning our wills to yours. Joyful. Patient. Faithful. With God’s help! – Sandi