I Can’t See You Now, But I Will!

I Can’t See You Now, But I Will!

 Following a God we can’t see is…..challenging.  There, I said it out loud.  We live a life of faith and hope in a “not yet” kind of world.  

“But we know that when He appears, we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He is.” 1 John 3:2

The day is coming when Jesus will make all things right.  We will see Him in all of His glory and perfection.  And we will be like Him. No longer bound by sinful bodies and a broken world.  But until then, and including today, we hold on to hope for what we can’t yet see. We can’t see God.  And we can’t see fully who God is making us to be.  But we’ve seen enough to know that He is faithful.   So, hold on. We will see Him!  – Sandi