For Such A Time As This…

For Such A Time As This…

Remember last Spring when our world suddenly changed? Have you ever had a day like that in your own life? You didn’t see it coming and it felt overwhelming?

“Who knows but that you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this? Esther 4:14

There are so many things that are unknown.  That sneak up on us and catch us off guard.  But not so with God. Nothing catches Him off guard.  Nothing can thwart His authority.  Knowing what He knows, He has chosen to use you, exactly where He has you today. He knows that you will be His voice, His hands and feet where He has you planted. You may have not seen it coming, but He did.  Trust that God has you where He wants you.  That He can and will use you for such a time as this. Who knows?  He does! – Sandi