Every Ounce Of God's Love

Every Ounce Of God's Love

 Sometimes my “people-pleasing” kicks in and warps my thinking about God.  I think there is a connection between how good I am and how loved I am, by God.  Not true.  For me or for you.  His perfect unconditional love is not voided by my imperfect thoughts and actions.

“God demonstrates His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

God doesn’t love you because you’re good.  He loves you because He is good.  Perfectly Good.  We can’t earn His love and we certainly don’t deserve it.  But that’s the beauty of grace. Undeserved love and forgiveness.  I hope you can embrace every ounce of love that God has you today.  And I pray that knowing you are loved in that kind of way, completely changes the outlook for your day. – Sandi