He Is Close, Especially...

He Is Close, Especially...

Where is God when your heart is breaking?  I’ve been there.  Your pain says that you’re all alone and that no one understands or cares.  But God’s Word says this:

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34: 18

God doesn’t mince words here.  He paints the picture of your pain.  Brokenhearted.  Crushed in spirit.  He wants you to know two things:  He understands the depth of your suffering.  And He comes really close when you need Him the most.    

If you are hurting today, this verse is more than well-intentioned words.  It is a promise.   God, himself, the healer, and comforter, comes into your pain.  He is close to your broken heart.  Your spirit may be crushed today.  But He sees you, is with you, and promises to save you. – Sandi