Why Do I Worry?

Why Do I Worry?

Why do you worry? I’ve never really thought about the “why” to my worry before, but there has to be a reason, or I wouldn’t continue to do it.  Is it rooted in fear? In the desire to control? Lack of trust?

“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?” Matthew 6:27

The point is simple.  There is no positive pay off to worry.  It doesn’t do any good. At all. You don’t get extra credit for worrying.  It doesn’t produce any positive result. It is a waste of time and energy. I know all of that to be true, and yet I’m like a grocery cart with one bad wheel…I veer toward worry.  I pray that God will veer our hearts toward Him more than fear. And that every worry can be shaped into a prayer of trust.  Why?  Because He is faithful. – Sandi