Do You Want To See Jesus?

Do You Want To See Jesus?

You may feel like you are “on the outside looking in” with Jesus.  Perhaps you’re keeping Him at arm’s length.  Or, you’re curious about Him but aren’t certain what to do with your intrigue.  

“He wanted to see who Jesus was….so he ran ahead and climbed a tree to see Him, since Jesus was coming that way.”  Luke 19

It is a shame that we focus more on Zacchaeus’ stature than his curiosity.  He wanted to see Jesus for himself.  And you know what?  Jesus wanted the same thing.  And He wants the same for you today.  You are seen.  God knows right where you are.  And He, even in this moment, is inviting you in.  I hope you respond to God’s love and voice.  And if you aren’t sure how, start with a simple, honest prayer.  And if we can help in any way, please reach out.  Everyone (including you) who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. (Romans 10:13)  – Sandi